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Fan Fiction Generates Constructive Discussion among Indie Authors

Posted on 2013-May-27

by BB eBooks Staff

Official Announcement of Kindle Worlds


The recent announcement of Kindle Worlds seems to prompt cheers and frowns among professional authors and writers. Fan fiction is brought to the center of attention and Fifty Shades of Grey is unavoidably one classical example of such a newly emerging genre. The bestselling fiction is allegedly inspired by the original Twilight series but E. L. James had instilled other level of heated intensity if you know what I mean. The novel’s success even caught the attention of Stephanie Meyer who applauded James for her creativity how she came up with her own story. In prior to establishing its massive fan base worldwide, Fifty Shades had its humble beginnings under the disguised name of this unrelated title being ported to her own website and released to a public audience.

Fan Fiction History


The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) provides the background of what fan fiction is all about and how Amazon can boost an indie author’s opportunities. Karen Lotter, the writer of this article, quoted Lev Grossman from Time how fans could contribute so much more for their beloved passion. Fans represent devoted broadcasters who go into extreme lengths to voice their satisfaction. They are eager to express their thoughts through writing when “the culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language.” The term itself has its firm root in Sci-fi with the flavorful influence of Star Trek back in the 60s.

Pioneering Licensor


Kindle Worlds seizes the opportunity of urging fans to make a profit from their writing. In the first phase of introduction, Amazon is partnered with Alloy Entertainment who holds licenses of Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, and The Vampire Diaries. Several authors signed deals to create more buzz for these shows. Joseph Brassey said the supernatural drama television pushed him outside his comfort zone yet he felt more free to create the new voices for the character as he voices his thought on Amazon website.

Questionable Motive


Although it might be too early to agree or disagree with Amazon’s latest offer, Tobias Buckell seems to raise an eyebrow at Amazon’s motive. His speculation describes how the giant retailer may spell trouble for tie-in writers and publishers. While Tobias is more concerned with the disintermediation of tie-in publishers and writers, The Digital Reader seems to lend weight to the licensor’s selection criteria to determine which fiction is good for their reputation . This corresponds very well with Tobias’ blog to compare Kindle Worlds to the now-defunct Amazon Shorts that Amazon decided which title would be picked.

Constructive Discussion

Despite the speculation that circulates all over the world wide web, it seems that one huge open road is being concretized for newcomers to make their voice heard. The sheer fact that Amazon set their sights on fan fiction brings relief for devoted fans who now stand a chance to make a profit from their writing based on their interest. Although the licensors might be selective of what materials will be chosen, perhaps we should probably welcome with an open mind the development of new materials. The gray area to what extent the licensor holds the copyright to the writer’s creation will generate constructive and thought-provoking discussion like this blog.

Label: Self-Publishing

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