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Introducing Book Tweeting Service

Posted on 2012-Nov-07

by BB eBooks Staff

The Static Writing


Electronic books, in their written raw originality, are static and dormant. Only a handful of authorized people can access the book to improve the content and transform it into the sellable product. They need to be seen and read by someone who is willing to devote their time to decrypting all the codes and messages hidden under those printed letters. In order to publicize the written eBook, self-published authors might find the PR part a tad overwhelming: learning all the pros and cons of various distributing channels, maintaining the communicative outreach to make sure that the work will effectively reach the hands of readers, and keeping themselves fully immersed in a plethora of various standards for different markets. If only you had ten brains to handle all these significant expectations, you might be able to complete your mountainous obligations in time and still manage to enjoy other activities like watching TV, jogging in the park, or reading your favorite novels.

Perfect Retreat


Life is not easy when distributing efforts are duplicated by a thousand other colleagues and the powerful voices will silence your shout-out. Being alone in your universe could define the solitary working environment that hopefully might help you to forge an expandable idea out of your golden creativity. If solitude is significant, authors of the 21st century are familiar with perfect solitude as well as social connectivity tools to write inspiringly and live delightfully. Social media becomes the perfect retreat that you can come back to and have a quick update about who’s doing what.

The Blue Bird’s Sanctuary


Twitter has been an undeniable force to efficiently connect you with like-minded friends when exchanging 140-letter conversations. Word choice is carefully put together to form straight-to-the-point semantics by leaving little space to orchestrate a precise and effective expression. Following the renaissance of independent self-publishers and small presses that have productively established their quality publication, the social gathering of literary figures on this blue bird’s habitat has become more active than ever. In the presence of their inspiring colleagues, they do not have to downplay their intricate sophistication any longer.

Identical Duplication


The repeated revelation of book blurbs seems like a necessary daily routine to highlight the authors’ works. Tweets of book promotion densely populate the whitespace of social media’s vacant land little by little. Still, how can authors properly keep track of all the painstaking activity in pressing the submit button over and over? If one tweet does not attract sufficient viewers, you might need to set up a book name entity to directly promote the books. How many more accounts do you want to duplicate your identity to broadcast the same message? How many more followers in each account can you generate? How often can you tweak your own synopsis to attract new readers? How much time do you spend every day away from your beloved writing profession?

Book Tweeting Service


What if those concerns are demystified by a Book Tweeting Solution? With the combination of followers between their main site and sister sites, the approximate number of 60,553 followers gives a solid support how the book could reach the mass reader in real time. Imagine that your books constantly reappear on the shelf up for grabs for 60K+ readers 50 times a day. Apart from your book, other useful information such as book tours, KDP Select promotion, giveaways, Twitter parties are also on their tweeting list to make sure your books gain the maximum exposure. Their service charge is calculated by the number of subscription days starting from $29, which is rather pricey, but definitely worth considering.

If you happen to use other service providers, please jot down their names and share your impression how their services benefit your book promotion in Comments. If you have not experienced any of their promotional efforts, please enjoy getting acquainted with their frequently updated reading book tweets!

Label: Marketing

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