Posted on 2012-Jul-31
This tutorial is for authors, small presses, and designers looking to take eBook development to 11. To properly turn an eBook’s content into HTML markup, you often are dealing with thousands of lines of text. Going one by one through each line to apply HTML markup (e.g. <p>, <p> to wrap body content) would be maddening. Furthermore, repetition on this order of magnitude will inevitably lead to mistakes, which inevitably leads to poor reviews. To avoid this, everyone who values their sanity and wants to make quality eBooks should learn something about regular expressions.
What are regular expressions you ask? Well, they are logical terms that can perform “magical” find and replace operations. We use them at BB eBooks extensively when designing eBooks for clients, and that is how we can keep costs low but quality high. This 5,000-word tutorial should help you get started. Please let us know how we can improve it.
Label: Technical and Design
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