BB eBooks Banner

BB Meta Pad

The BB Meta Pad is dedicated to making life easier for eBook development. It creates XML entries for your EPUB package that can be easily inserted into the OPF file. Please have a look at the documentation if you have any questions. Also, please contact us if you would like to see some features not currently present. To get started simply fill out some information, click the appropriate buttons, and the meta XML entry will appear below. When you are done, simply copy the XML from the textarea and insert it into the text editor of your choice. Please consult the developers page for EPUB boilerplate files and tutorials.

Control Panel


Add Metadata

Reset Metadata


Panel Height:

Required Metadata:Question Mark

eBook Title:

eBook Author:

eBook Author (file as) - Leave Blank if Same as Author:

eBook Publisher: (author if self-published)

eBook Publishing Date (must be YYYY-MM-DD):

ISBN - Leave Blank for a Random UUID:

eBook Language:

Optional Metadata:Question Mark

Keywords: (seperate with commas)

Backjacket Description:

Rights/Copyright Information:

Type: (from Dublin Core):




Extra Metadata:Question Mark

Additional Metadata Entries: (from the Marc Realtors List)


File-As (leave blank if same as name):

Meta Panel - XML